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Letters, Week of April 10

Needless change to insurance agent testing Sir: I’m proud to sell life insurance. I am proud to meet the high standards set in Ontario. I am proud to help families in my community obtain the protection they need.

Needless change to insurance agent testing

Sir: I’m proud to sell life insurance. I am proud to meet the high standards set in Ontario. I am proud to help families in my community obtain the protection they need.

However, our regulator is going to replace our made-for-Ontario qualifications with new testing designed in Quebec. The new Quebec system will be more complicated and more expensive but will not enhance consumer protection.

Ontario’s testing for life insurance agents is already the best in the country.  Why are we sending jobs and money to Quebec?

Carla Timperley

Regional Vice President

Primerica Financial services



 Feds don’t post Sarnia’s air quality index

Sir: Environment Canada has a very fine web site. I enjoy touring the country there.

One day not long past, I visited all the weather stations in the Northwest Territories and Nunavut.  Winnipeg was the coldest place in the country that day. Alert in Nunavat was one degree warmer.

If I want to check the air quality index in such pollution hotspots as Summerside, PE or Prince Albert, SK, the information is there. Expected locations like Fort McMurray, AB or Windsor ON are there too.

But not Sarnia. Are they fearful of alarming the locals?

Paul Henderson


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