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Letter to the Editor

At The Sarnia Journal, we believe that everyone’s voice contributes to the strength of our community, and we welcome letters to the editor on any topic of public interest. Here’s what to expect when submitting a letter to us:

  • Submitter Information: Please include your full name and contact information for verification.
  • Word Limit: Keep your letters to 500 words or less. We want to ensure that all voices can be heard clearly.
  • Editing and Content: We only edit letters for grammar. Any edits will be shared with the writer for approval before publication. Letters will not be altered for tone, intent, or style. If a headline is not submitted with the letter, the editorial team may create one for publication.
  • Relevance: We encourage you to write on any topic that is of public interest. If your letter references a specific story or submission, please mention it.
  • Originality: Please submit original letters that haven’t been sent to other publications or public bodies (such as open letters to government officials).
  • Publication Process: Every letter that meets our guidelines will be published. Our goal is to provide a platform for community voices, and we do not filter content based on opinion or perspective. Please allow time for review and approval of any edits.

We are committed to creating a space where everyone feels heard, and we look forward to reading your contributions!


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