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Cold water, warm hearts: The Sarnia Cold Plunge Community.

At first glance, a cold plunge into Lake Huron at Canatara Beach on a brisk October morning might sound like an uncomfortable way to start the day. But for a growing number of Sarnians, this practice has become an energizing ritual.
Cold Plunge Community

At first glance, a cold plunge into Lake Huron at Canatara Beach on a brisk October morning might sound like an uncomfortable way to start the day. But for a growing number of Sarnians, this practice has become an energizing ritual, one they swear by for both its mental and physical benefits.

Welcome to the Sarnia Cold Plunge Community, a diverse group of people who gather weekly—and sometimes daily—to embrace the icy waters and the sense of community that has blossomed around it. The group’s presence is steadily growing, with close to 500 members in their Facebook community. They meet every Sunday morning at 10 a.m. for a 12-minute session of guided Wim Hof breathing exercises followed by the highly anticipated cold plunge into Lake Huron. During October and April, the group hosts 30-day challenges, encouraging participants to join at 7 a.m. each weekday and Saturday, with Sunday plunges remaining at 10 a.m. These challenges have become an annual tradition, pushing members to test their limits while building resilience in both body and mind.

One Sunday morning, The Sarnia Journal was invited to join the community and witness firsthand what drives these individuals to meet under the chill of the morning air and wade into the cold lake waters. The anticipation was palpable as participants of all ages—from children to seniors—began gathering on the beach, ready for another plunge. Neesa Nahmabin and Trevor Beatty, who co-founded the community, were among the first to greet everyone with smiles and warm words of encouragement.


A Community of Resilience and Connection
For Nahmabin and Beatty, the cold plunge is more than just a physical experience—it’s an opportunity to disconnect from the everyday hustle and embrace the moment. Nahmabin, who works for a consulting firm, also hosts her own podcast called Don’t Quit Your Daydream. Her passion for creative projects carries over into her enthusiasm for the cold plunge community. "Cold water plunges affect everyone differently," she shared. "Whether it’s helping with stress, sleep, or inflammation, the benefits are real. And for many of us, the community aspect has been just as important. Especially after the pandemic, people were craving a sense of community.

”Beatty, a massage therapist by trade and an accomplished singer-songwriter who plays lead guitar for the Jackie Davies Band, became involved in cold plunges by accident. His first experience with cold water immersion came when a friend accidentally dropped his glasses into the river. Without hesitation, Beatty went into the chilly water to retrieve them. "The experience was exhilarating," Beatty said with a grin. That moment sparked his interest in cold-water immersion, and he soon began researching the Wim Hof Method, a practice that combines deep breathing exercises with cold exposure for health benefits.For Beatty, cold plunging has become a personal practice, but he’s quick to note that there’s no pressure to stay in the water for any set length of time. “There’s only one rule here,” he said. “No one tells you how long to stay in because everyone experiences cold differently.


Cold Plunge Community


The Science Behind the Plunge
There’s a growing body of research that supports what the Sarnia Cold Plunge Community has already discovered firsthand: cold water immersion offers a host of benefits. Studies have shown that cold water immersion can significantly reduce exercise-induced muscle damage, a benefit that appeals to athletes and fitness enthusiasts alike. By reducing inflammation, cold water plunges can help alleviate soreness, promote quicker recovery, and improve overall performance. This is why cold plunges have become popular among athletes looking for ways to optimize their recovery after intense physical activity.

But the benefits aren’t just physical. Research also points to the mental and emotional rewards of regular cold-water exposure. Studies have indicated that cold plunges can lead to noticeable reductions in negative emotions like tension, anger, depression, and fatigue. At the same time, people often report a surge in positive feelings such as increased vigor, improved mood, and heightened self-esteem. For many in the community, these mental health benefits are as important as the physical ones.


A Morning at Canatara Beach
The sun was shining with a coolness in the air as participants gathered on the beach. For some, this was their first plunge; others were seasoned veterans, having taken part in the ritual for months or even years. There was a palpable sense of excitement as people greeted each other with hugs and laughter, shaking off any lingering drowsiness as they prepared for the plunge.

As they sat on the beach facing the lake, the group began the Wim Hof breathing exercises. Led by a volunteer, participants were guided through a series of deep, controlled breaths, focusing on hyperventilation to increase oxygen levels in the blood. For those unfamiliar with the technique, it might look like a meditation session on the beach, but these breathing exercises are specifically designed to prepare the body for the cold shock that’s about to come.

After about 12 minutes of breathing, it was time. Without fanfare, participants began walking toward the lake, a few brave souls wading in immediately, while others hesitated for a moment before taking the plunge. Laughter echoed across the water as people encouraged each other to embrace the cold. It was almost like watching children at play, the pure joy of the moment evident on their faces.

Some stayed in for only a few minutes, while others pushed themselves to stay longer, each person finding their own rhythm and comfort level. But no matter how long they stayed, the sense of accomplishment was evident as they emerged from the water, smiling and energized.

Jeremy Walsh, one of the participants that morning, shared his motivation for joining the Cold Plunge Community. “I have some health issues, and I was reading online about the health benefits of cold-water immersion and I think it’s good to do hard things every now and then, to challenge yourself.”


Neesa Nahmabin and Trevor Beatty


Building a Community Around Wellness
What struck me most during my time with the Cold Plunge Community was the genuine sense of connection among the members. Despite the cold water and the cooler air, there was an undeniable warmth in the way people supported and encouraged each other. It wasn’t just about the physical challenge—it was about showing up for yourself and for others. John Gallant, one of the original group members, summed it up perfectly: “You know, there are a lot of hard things to do in life, but this hard thing will make you feel great.

Gina Landry, a long-time participant, offered insight into how she mentally prepares for each plunge. “The breathing exercises really help me get into a relaxed state,” she said.”For first-time participant Christie Davies, the sense of community was what stood out the most. “It was fun,” she said with a smile. “I like the community aspect. Everyone was so friendly and welcoming. And yes, I’ll definitely be back.”

As I left Canatara Beach that morning, I couldn’t help but feel inspired by the people I had met. The Sarnia Cold Plunge Community is about more than just taking a dip in cold water—it’s about finding strength in discomfort, discovering new limits, and building meaningful connections along the way.If you’re interested in learning more or joining in on a cold plunge, you can find the Sarnia Cold Plunge Community on their Facebook page. Whether you’re a seasoned cold water enthusiast or just curious to give it a try, the group is always welcoming new members to share in the adventure.

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