I remember one of my high school teachers saying to me, “No one has ever become poor by giving.”
It was during one of those frequent discussions in religion class about the benefits of giving to others, helping the less fortunate; basically doing unto others ... I’m sure you’ve heard a variation of the speech before.
I don’t think it struck much of a chord with me back then, but for some reason, that quote has stayed with me.
Perhaps it’s because I know what is like to grow up with little, learning early in life the importance of giving back and sharing what I can.
Sarnia-Lambton is a shining example when it comes to charitable giving.
We see community spirit and generosity through support shown to the United Way, Inn of the Good Shepherd, Goodwill, Noelle’s Gift, and during tragic times ‑ whether it be a natural disaster abroad or community fundraisers to support a local family in need.
This Dec. 2, a movement known as Giving Tuesday will sweep across Lambton County, thanks to an unprecedented collaboration of 26 local not-for-profit agencies.
Although it kicks off Dec. 2, the movement lasts the entire month of December. The local component of this national movement is dubbed Giving Tuesday Sarnia-Lambton, which is focused solely on Lambton County communities, supporting purely local charities and causes.
It purposely follows Black Friday and Cyber Monday, with its biggest push on social media, allowing residents to support their community through text donations. From Dec. 2 through Dec. 31, people can text a $5, $10, $20 or $25 donation to support the 26 local charities by texting SLgives to 20222. And, the Mobile Giving Foundation of Canada has waived all mobile text fees.
Or, if texting is not an option, people can go online to www.sarnialambtongives.ca to learn more or donate. The group is also on Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, Twitter and LinkedIn. Just search Giving Tuesday Sarnia-Lambton.
A community challenge has been issued by Guelph, and history dictates that Lambton residents will rise to the challenge.
The happiest people I know are not those who get more, but those who give more. And I know a lot of happy people, which makes me proud to call Sarnia-Lambton home.
Jack Poirier is a former journalist and the marketing and fund development coordinator for Sarnia-Lambton Rebound. He sits on the Giving Tuesday Sarnia-Lambton Committee.