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Cathy Kelly

Member since: Apr, 2024

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A local woman on ODSP can't make ends meet in Guelph anymore

A local woman on ODSP can't make ends meet in Guelph anymore

Local News |

Cathy Kelly replied

Sad but true

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YMCA recognizes Guelph's Women of Distinction

YMCA recognizes Guelph's Women of Distinction

Local News |

Cathy Kelly commented

Such a fabulous group of women! Congratulations to all, you’re such an inspiration and valuable voices in our community and beyond.

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ICYMI: Guelph student helps get former teacher recognition he deserves

ICYMI: Guelph student helps get former teacher recognition he deserves

Local News |

Cathy Kelly commented

Such a good news story! Congratulations to you both!

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Man tries to lure boys into car on Guelph's east side

Man tries to lure boys into car on Guelph's east side

Local News |

Cathy Kelly commented

Oh my gosh! Thank God there were two of these boys together and they answered back and told someone. That’s terrifying.

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Council eyes restrictions to allowing four-unit residential lots

Council eyes restrictions to allowing four-unit residential lots

Local News |

Cathy Kelly commented

There is nothing gentle about ripping down mature trees and single family homes to develop multiple dwelling units with up to 30-40 bedrooms and marketing it as rentals. This kind of intensification not only changes the entire quiet neighbourhood street and landscape bringing with it parking, noise and safety concerns, but also disregards existing long term residents and property owners in favour of money hungry developers.
This does nothing to assist with affordable housing and benefits nobody except the investors. High and gouging rental rates for beds packed into rooming houses is what these kind of developments will bring. That’s all.

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Report says Guelph has lots of potential for 'gentle density'

Report says Guelph has lots of potential for 'gentle density'

Local News |

Cathy Kelly replied


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Cathy Kelly replied

These “larger” properties are within developed communities where homeowners have lived for decades and in some cases, are generational. The land is a gold mine for developers who are not in the least concerned about building affordable homes for FAMIlIES. It will be a turnover of renters who are paying through the nose and not building any equity or contributing to any kind of property value for the structures themselves, let alone the neighbourhood.

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Cathy Kelly commented

Developments are being considered on mature streets that definitely do not meet gentle density…not to mention safety due to ditches without sidewalks. The article says “Gentle density is an approach to urban development that focuses on slightly increasing the number and variety of homes in neighbourhoods that typically accommodate only low-density, single-detached homes,… It is development that is not meant to be imposing but rather, the ultimate sign of successful gentle density is that it is gentle enough that one hardly notices.”
It’s one thing to rip down a property and build a home with an attached or integrated unit for extended family members or extra income to survive . Or to sever the property to develop double. But developments with 40+ bedrooms is a rooming house (not a HOME for families and affordable housing to build equity), is not gentle. Doubling or tripling the volume of people on one street from a single lot - isn’t gentle. It’s invasive and disruptive.

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