Our culture based on Judeo-Christian values
Sir: Re: Christian traditions lost
I read with interest Mr. Schlitz' letter of recent date. Although there is a scintilla of merit to it, I find it to contain a very superficial view of the term Christian fellowship.
To me, it does not just mean that Christians should band together to celebrate the Christmas season (although that is a worthy pursuit for Christians) but rather to also recognize the fact that democracy, as well as our judicial system and social mores, are firmly based on Judeo-Christian values and ethics. Without the influence of these religions our culture would be unrecognizable.
So, for those of you who find the letter "smells of intolerance," may I suggest you thank the Deity of your choice for those values that we have been afforded us, regardless of your personal beliefs.
Rich Kneller
There are things for youth to do
Sir: Re: Emma Brain’s letter “Nothing for teens to do in Sarnia” that ran in the Sarnia Journal the week of Dec. 18.
Many youth in Sarnia have complained about this issue, but, there are committees and groups around Sarnia that offer a place to hang out and be a part of the community.
Sarnia-Lambton Rebound offers a variety of programs, including a free Youth Action Committee called GPS (Getting Possibilities Started). GPS offers a safe space to hang out, socialize and work to make a difference in the community.
Youth discuss ideas and then put them into action. Over the past few years the committee has organized many projects, such as movie nights, cooking classes and garage sales that have given the youth an opportunity to help out their community.
For more information you can visit www.reboundonline.com or call 519-344-2841.
Monique D’Arcy
Brennah Freer
GPS Youth Facilitators, Sarnia
Who owns the casino parking lot?
Sir: My wife, because of her condition, has a disabled sticker for her car.
The other day on a visit to the casino she was unable to find a disabled parking spot for her car. I checked the cars in some of the disabled spots and found more than a few with no disabled stickers. I enquired at the service desk as to who was responsible for enforcing the policy and was told it had nothing to do with the casino, and that I should contact the "Parking Authority."
Now I am not aware if Point Edward has a parking authority, but if they do not, they can certainly afford one.
My questions are, who owns the casino parking lot, and who is responsible for enforcing its disabled policy?
This is also a problem at the big box stores. Like the woman who complained about coffee shop fingers, if no one says anything, nothing will get done.
Jim Clarkson