Have something to say?
The Journal welcomes Letters to the Editor, as well as Guest Columnists. We encourage a diverse range of voices and views from our community.
The Journal reserves the right to edit for clarity, brevity and libel. All letters must be a 350 words or less and include your full name. Guest columns have a 400-word limit, and should include a tagline with a brief description about the author.
An address and daytime phone number are required for verification only. We’ll publish the writer’s name, and community of residence.
Some tips:
Keep it civil; refrain from personal attacks.
Any statements of claim must be verifiable.
Advertising is off-limits. If you wish to promote your business or service, we’re happy to sell you an ad in The Journal.
If you are responding to an article or letter that appeared in The Journal, please specify.
Please email your letters and guest columns to [email protected]