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PA Day events offer hands-on learning at Lambton County museums

Families can explore electricity and winter traditions during two PA Day events hosted by the Oil Museum of Canada and Lambton Heritage Museum on Friday, January 31, 2025.
Oil Museum of Canada

Two Lambton County museums are hosting unique PA Day events on Friday, January 31, 2025, offering families opportunities to explore science and history through interactive activities.

At the Oil Museum of Canada in Oil Springs, the Watts of Fun event runs from 11:00 a.m. to 3:00 p.m. Visitors can participate in demonstrations and activities that explore how electricity powers the world. Highlights include creating static electricity with balloons, making a battery from a potato, solving an energy distribution maze, and cranking a generator to produce electricity.

“The Oil Museum of Canada is a great place to learn the science behind technologies we use every day,” said Christina Sydorko, Educational Program Coordinator. “Watts of Fun lets visitors dive into the science of electricity while connecting it to the energy stories that shape our daily lives.”

In Grand Bend, the Lambton Heritage Museum’s Winter Warm Up event runs from 11:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m., focusing on winter traditions and survival in Lambton County. Visitors can attend interpretive talks in the Lambton Gallery at scheduled times to learn how people historically braved icy winters. The event also includes a Snowflake Scavenger Hunt, photo opportunities inside a historic winter scene, and, weather permitting, outdoor activities such as building snowmen and snowshoeing along the Woodland Heritage Trail.

“This event is a chance for families to explore ways that people have travelled, experienced, and embraced winter throughout history,” said Colleen Inglis, Educational Program Coordinator.

Admission for both events is $5 for adults, $4 for seniors (65+) and students, $3 for children, and free for children aged three and under. More information is available on the respective museum websites.


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