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Intimate partner violence - you are not alone

The Women’s Interval Home in Sarnia.Submitted Photo
The Womens Interval Home in Sarnia. Submitted Photo

If you or your children are experiencing intimate partner abuse or violence, you are not alone.

There is help available.

Intimate partner abuse or violence involves the use of physical, psychological, or sexual force, actual or threatened, in an intimate relationship.

An intimate relationship is considered one between partners and includes current and former dating partners, common-law partners, and married spouses.

Some examples of abusive behaviour that may result in criminal charges include assault, unwanted or forced sexual activity, threats to harm an intimate partner, their family member or others, damage to an intimate partner’s personal property, and criminal harassment or stalking.

Intimate partner abuse often involves emotional and psychological abuse, such as name-calling, controlling an intimate partner’s movements, isolating a partner, exhibiting extreme jealousy, and exerting economic control. This includes controlling an intimate partner’s access to money or preventing them from pursuing financial independence.

It is important to remember that abuse is not your fault, even though your abuser may say it is.

You are not responsible for the actions of your partner. Marriage does not entitle your partner to abuse you nor does it shield the abuser from the law.

The police have a responsibility to assist with preventing further violence.

There are several resources you can reach out to for help.

These include:

· Assaulted Women’s Helpline: This offers a 24-hour telephone and TTY crisis line to all women who have experienced abuse. They offer counselling, emotional support, information and referrals. Call toll-free at 1-866-863-0511, call TTY toll-free at 1-866-863-7868 or text #SAFE to #7233.

· Canadian Centre of Men and Families: The Canadian Centre for Men and Families offers support services dedicated to men and open to all male-identified people. Learn more at · Department of Justice: Information for support is available at

· FEM’AIDE: Offers support information to French-speaking women who have experienced gender-based violence. For French service, call 1-877-336-2433 or TTY at 1-866-860-7082. English service is available at 1-866-863-0511 or TTY at 1-866-863-7868.

· Ontario Victim Services: Ontario Victims Services can help victims of crime find information and get referrals to services in their community. This service is available in most languages spoken in the province. Call 1-888-579-2888 for support.

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