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City council meetings will continue to be virtual

Despite councillors preferring in-person gatherings, it looks like virtual council meetings will continue.
September 9, 2024 city council meeting

City council meetings will continue to be virtual for now. 

In a motion brought forth by Coun. George Vandenberg, he proposed that council meet again in person for the next council meeting on Oct. 1.

"I prefer in-person meetings," said Mayor Mike Bradley during Monday's city council meeting. "However, if that is the case, as I've been told until this other report is done, which looks at what is done in the workplace, that we should be on Zoom. If we are to return I want to be protected fully in case anything goes wrong. Because that is the only reason we are on Zoom because of the advice we got on this investigation."

City council has been held virtually since May due to concerns according to Bradley, which were raised by members of council, staff, and the public about health and safety in the workplace.

An independent investigator was hired to review these concerns, with Bradley telling the Journal over email these issues derived from "recent events and incidents on social media and in the council chamber related to a member of council.”

Coun. Bill Dennis posted on social media in May that he was named as a respondent in a workplace harassment complaint. 

This is not the first time Vandenberg has proposed the shift back to in-person meetings. In July, Vandenberg said council meetings felt, "fractured, you can’t concentrate, and it denies some members of the public access. What are we afraid of?”

Vandenberg's argument at Monday's meeting was that county meetings were held in person with no issue. 

As for when the report would be done, Sarnia's General Manager of Corporate Services, David Stockdale, said he would circle back with council.

"It's my understanding that the info gathering, which will support the writing of the final report, is complete..." said Stockdale. 

Council voted 5 to 3 in opposition to resuming in-person meetings. Councillors Vandenberg, Burrell, and Dennis voted in favour of resuming in-person council meetings, while councillor Brian White was absent. 

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