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Bluewater Health Helipad approved for night use

Journal staff Transport Canada has granted permission for Bluewater Health’s helipad to begin night operations, the hospital announced this week.
A Leonardo AW139 medical helicopter on a helipad at night. Photo courtesy of Ornge

Journal staff

Transport Canada has granted permission for Bluewater Health’s helipad to begin night operations, the hospital announced this week.

Following an on-site visit from officials in May, the helipad is now operational 24 hours per day, effective immediately.

Bluewater Health first started exploring the helipad project in 2017. Construction was finalized in September 2022, with the helipad receiving certification for day use in November 2022.

Prior to the helipad, Bluewater Health relied on ground emergency medical services (EMS) and the Sarnia Chris Hadfield airport for patient transfers.

When a patient is critically ill, every minute saved in transportation, drastically increases the likelihood of a positive outcome. For some this can be a matter of life or death,” a news release stated. “In a time where hospitals across the province are experiencing historical pressures, this community resource is proving invaluable.”

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