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LETTER: "I lived it, not a book person" – experience in addiction support matters

Letters to the editor

Dear Editor, 

I find it very heartbreaking to see the state of sarnia and addictions.

I have offered my help many times. To different organizations but without even a thank you or ask what my qualifications are.

Do I have certificates? No.

Do I have experience, knowledge, understanding? Yes

I was homeless twice; once in Tillsonburg, Ontario, 1972, once in Hamilton, 1977.

I am an alcoholic drug addict.

I lived it, not a book person.

I can relate and know what they are thinking and doing.

But they cry for certified councillors!!!!

Common sense is not common anymore.

Watching people suffer and die .. lots of my so-called friends are dead that I knew.

So keep asking me for certificates instead of someone that lived it.

As more and more people die.

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