Dear Editor,
Well, Im here in Florida only because we booked our trip two years ago... otherwise, we'd be elsewhere. However, to the point.
Doug Ford called an election just days before we left on February 1st. At that time there was no information available for voters desiring to cast an absentee ballot.
Since that time Ford's PC Government initiated an mail-in absentee ballot procedure. But it doesn't work.
On-line, I filled out all the forms, sent ID proving I'm a Canadian Citizen living in Ontario. All this worked perfectly until the end. I was informed after all the paperwork that my voting ballot will be mailed to my Home Address in Sarnia. Now, I ask you: What good is that? The timeline for casting absentee ballots is short, so short that I can't get the ballot to me on time to return it to Ontario.
Here's the problem and the solution, but it's not available. THERE IS NO ONLINE VOTING!!
A few years ago I was in England during our Sarnia Municipal Elections and I was able to vote ONLINE successfully. Ontario is not offering its absent voters the same opportunity.
And there is no recourse so, there are at least two votes for the LIBERALS that won't be cast, counted, and recorded.
I believe Mr. Bailley should be held to account on this matter.