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HUMANS OF SARNIA: Sumehar's Transformational Journey

The Sarnia Journal has partnered with local photographer Art Connolly to feature his captivating “Humans of Sarnia” series as he delves into the lives and experiences of everyday people in Sarnia. Follow his series on Instagram and Facebook

Encounters with Angels: Sumehar's Transformational Journey

"Do you believe in angels?" It's a question that often elicits diverse responses, but for Sumehar, a 22-year-old student from Punjab, India, the answer is a resounding yes. In the busy realm of his college life, Sumehar's encounter with what he considers an angel, a mysterious stranger on a Sarnia bus, unfolded as a profound catalyst for change.

Sumehar is currently in his second year of the rigorous two-year postgraduate Full Stack Software Development Program at Lambton College. In June of this year, he shared a story that illuminated the pivotal turning point in his life.

During that juncture, Sumehar found himself in a vulnerable emotional state. Having recently arrived in Canada, he grappled with homesickness and loneliness, a common sentiment among international students adjusting to new environments. With the demands of full-time classes, intensive studies, and a night shift at a local store, Sumehar's time was consumed by academics and work, leaving little room for social interactions. Reflecting upon that period, he believes he might have experienced a mild bout of depression.

It was on an ordinary June day that Sumehar found himself riding the #15 bus route in Sarnia. His thoughts weighed heavy with feelings of isolation and negativity. It was on that bus that he encountered someone he perceived to be an angel, a woman aged between 30 and 40 years. Sumehar's eyes light up as he recounts the transformative conversation that followed, a conversation that left an indelible imprint on his heart.

The woman, likely sensing his loneliness, initiated a conversation that moved beyond surface-level exchanges. As they delved into deeper topics, Sumehar was struck by the wisdom emanating from this stranger. She spoke of the significance of personal responsibility for one's own happiness, urging him to focus on the present rather than dwelling on the past or worrying about the future. She encouraged him to embrace the current moment with mindfulness and awareness and emphasized that being alone is often a choice.

Sumehar's demeanor visibly shifted as he absorbed the insights shared by his newfound "angel." Today, when you speak with him, you'll witness a young man who has undergone a profound transformation. He speaks passionately about the importance of living life fully, striking a balance between work and personal connections. He has become more open to meeting people, cherishing the lessons learned from his angelic encounter.

Key takeaways from their conversation now guide Sumehar's approach to life. He prioritizes positivity, recognizing that patience is crucial amid life's ups and downs. He vividly recalls his father's words: "Go for the best and be prepared for the worst."

This serendipitous encounter, albeit brief, has left an indelible mark on Sumehar's path. It serves as a reminder that chance meetings with strangers can wield transformative power. Interestingly, he never caught the angel's name, and their paths have never crossed again. With gratitude in his heart, Sumehar hopes to send his appreciation to the angel who unknowingly steered his journey towards self-discovery and growth.

In a world where connections are often fleeting, Sumehar's story stands as a testament to the potential for everyday interactions to shape lives in profound ways. This chance encounter reminds us that our interactions, even with strangers, hold the potential to be catalysts for change and empowerment.

And to that angel, if you're reading this, Sumehar wants you to know that he's doing just fine, thanks to the wisdom you shared that day.

"Humans of Sarnia" founder Art Connolly is a man fuelled by curiosity and a passion for connecting with people in Sarnia. Inspired by the renowned “Humans of New York” series, with a camera in hand, he captures the very essence of the individuals  he encounters, preserving their stories through his lens.