Two young people were seen Friday retrieving empty blue boxes from the curb and bringing them back to their owners in Sherwood Village.
They call themselves the "Sarnia Supers" according to signs on the back. But their true identity remains a mystery.
This photo submitted by Oslo Crescent resident Chris Payne was posted on our website Friday afternoon. Five hours later, The Journal received a phone call, purportedly from the figure on the left.
"We're not supposed to say our name right now," said the voiced, which sounded about 10 years old. "The guy with the underwear on his face, his nickname is Hungry. And my name is Tasty."
In true superhero fashion the caller said he wasn't looking for fame or fortune.
"We're just doing it to be nice, I guess."
One grateful residents, however , has offered the pair a job cutting his lawn this summer.