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Should sidewalks be installed near King George VI School?

The Sarnia Journal has partnered with the nuSarnia Foundation to feature a series of stories promoting active transportation and community wellness.

Should sidewalks be installed on O’Dell Street to enhance pedestrian safety near King George VI School?

In 2022, a petition was launched to advocate for a new sidewalk on O’Dell Street to enhance pedestrian access to King George School. Currently, the section of O’Dell Street from Colborne Road to the school lacks any pedestrian facilities, forcing people to walk on the road or the adjacent boulevard. This is particularly concerning for students and parents approaching the school.

A crossing guard is stationed at the intersection of O’Dell Street and Colborne Road to assist children crossing from the east side of Colborne Road to O’Dell Street. However, during school drop-off and pick-up times, the street becomes heavily congested with vehicles, creating unpredictable and potentially hazardous conditions for school-aged children.

At this months council meeting, city council will deliberate on the best strategies to improve pedestrian safety in this area. 

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