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Do you remember the Weekend Walkabouts in Downtown Sarnia?

The Sarnia Journal has partnered with the nuSarnia Foundation to feature a series of stories promoting active transportation and community wellness.

Do you remember the Weekend Walkabouts in Downtown Sarnia? Those weekends when streets were closed to traffic, allowing pedestrians and restaurants to take over the streets?

Imagine if we could reimagine these weekends and transform them into something even more vibrant and engaging!

Downtown Midland has successfully done just that! Every summer, starting in June, the city creates The Commons Pedestrian Plaza. This area is closed to vehicle traffic and features a variety of seating options and activities that the whole family can enjoy.

Closing streets to vehicle traffic for pedestrian use and activations brings numerous benefits to the downtown core of cities:

Enhanced Safety and Accessibility: Pedestrian-only streets reduce the risk of accidents, creating a safer environment for people of all ages to walk, cycle, and play.

Boosted Local Economy: With more foot traffic, local businesses, restaurants, and vendors experience increased patronage, fostering a thriving downtown economy.

Community Engagement: These spaces become social hubs where people gather, interact, and participate in various activities, strengthening community bonds.

Improved Air Quality and Reduced Noise Pollution: Without vehicles, air quality improves, and noise levels drop, making the area more pleasant and healthier for visitors.

Cultural and Recreational Opportunities: Pedestrian zones can host events, performances, and art installations, enriching the cultural fabric of the city and providing recreational opportunities for residents and tourists alike.

Let’s explore the potential of creating our own pedestrian plaza in Downtown Sarnia, turning weekends into unforgettable experiences for everyone!

nuSarnia is a passionate group of social entrepreneurs committed to making Sarnia the best it can be – a vibrant, lively city where people are excited to live, work, play and learn. We are committed to raising awareness, sharing knowledge, acquiring wisdom, fostering collaboration and attentively listing to create a more connected, active and healthy community.

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