1 - What are socks with a diamond pattern known as?
2 - Katherine Albion is the new executive director of what local facility?
3 - "We all fall down!" is the last line of the chant used while playing what childhood playground game?
4 - Bull Montana, Happy Farmer Humphrey, and La Beastia were three of many men in the 1950s and 1960s who entertained Sarnians in what capacity?
5 - For safety, what was first installed at the intersection of George and Bridge Streets in London, England in 1868?
6 - Which film star represented Scotland in the 1950 Mr. Universe contest?
7 - Last June, what Oscar winning actor announced his retirement from acting, reportedly to pursue a career in fashion design? (If so, Phantom Thread is his final movie).
8 - In September, what nation passed a law permitting women to drive--the last country in the world to do so?
9 – What south Indonesian island is also the name of a programming language?
10 - What insecticide became a popular sweetener when an assistant misheard an order to “test it” as an order to “taste it”?
- Tom St. Amand
ANSWERS: 1 – Argyle; 2 – Western Sarnia-Lambton Research Park; 3 – Ring Around the Rosie; 4 – Wrestling; 5 – Traffic Lights; 6 – Sean Connery (he finished third); 7 – Daniel Day-Lewis; 8 – Saudi Arabia 9 – Java; 10 - Splenda.