George Mathewson
Large quantities of information cross The Journal’s news desk each week and some of it is even interesting.
Here is more bumpf that for one reason or another couldn’t find a home elsewhere in the newspaper.
Why bugs win
If you become infected with the flu virus you are most contagious in the 12 to 24 hours BEFORE you show symptoms, local health officials say.
So, no matter how conscientious you are, you can easily infect others without knowing it.
Uncle Sam Hortons
The takeover of Tim Hortons by the U.S. Burger King chain became official on Friday, and it felt like another nail in the coffin of Canadian economic sovereignty.
But a new Statistics Canada report suggests Canadian business is more than holding its own.
The value of assets, revenue and profits in the Canadian economy all increased in 2012 from the previous year, yet the share of foreign-controlled assets and profits decreased.
Foreign-controlled enterprises accounted for 18.4% of assets in 2012, down from 18.9%.
The decline was widespread and included the financial and insurance industries, manufacturing, and oil and gas extraction.
Child mental health
One in five Ontario children have a mental health issue, according to the often-used statistic. But that figure comes from the last Ontario Child Health Study conducted in 1983, more than generation ago.
But a new study is now under way, and it’s the largest and most comprehensive look at child and youth mental health ever done in Ontario.
Share and share alike
The organ and tissue donation registration rate in Ontario has jumped to 26% from 17% in just five years.
The total number of registered donors in the province is now 3,029,097, give or take a few.
When big is small
Large employers are five times more likely than small businesses to pay minimum wage in Ontario.
Thirty percent of all Ontario employees in large firms were paid at or below minimum wage last year, compared to 5.6% at firms with fewer than 100 workers, according to StatsCan.
Large firms with more than 500 workers employ almost half of the province’s low wage workforce.
And speaking of jobs
If you want one, don’t do these things …
Express Employment Professionals surveyed its Canadian franchises and asked them to name the top five worst things an applicant can do at a job interview.
Topping the list of 17 interview no-no’s is “lie about experience.”
Three others involve cell phones.
“My advice is: Don’t even think about answering your phone, texting on your phone, or even looking at your phone,” said Bruce Hein, of the Sarnia office.
“In fact, turn your phone off before entering the building.”