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A compendium of visual puns for your puzzling pleasure

George Mathewson As regular readers are painfully aware The Journal is not the sort of publication to let a bad headline go un-pun-ished. In that vein we present today a compendium of visual puns for your puzzling pleasure.
French toast

George Mathewson

As regular readers are painfully aware The Journal is not the sort of publication to let a bad headline go un-pun-ished.

In that vein we present today a compendium of visual puns for your puzzling pleasure.

Each of the photos below is a representation of a common phrase or expression. Some are literal; some contain a punny twist.

Critics might say this is one way to fill space on a slow news week. They might be right.

But puns have a long history in human writing that go all the way back to Egyptian hieroglyphics and the ancient Sumerians.

As the unimpeachable authority Wikipedia has noted: “Punning has been credited as the fundamental concept behind alphabets, writing, and even human civilization.”

So there.

See how many of these visual puns you can figure out and then check the correct answers below Four correct would be very good, six fantastic.

Have fun, and remember, keep an opun mind.


1 - A fork in the road

2 - French toast

3 - A fine kettle of fish

4 - Scrambled eggs

5 - A Twix up my sleeve

6 - Firecracker

7 - pumpkin pi (pie)

8 - Bread (bred) in captivity

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