At 1pm on Friday January 10, 2025, police were called to the area of Confederation Street and Stuart Street. A 22-year-old female, not dressed for the weather, had frantically run up to a home indicating she had been kidnapped. Police immediately responded and an investigation commenced.
Investigation revealed that earlier that day, two males and one female had had entered the victim’s residence with one of the suspects carrying an axe. There was an interaction within the residence where the victim was assaulted and taken to a waiting vehicle driven by a third male. She was held within that vehicle against her will and continued to be assaulted. After a period of time, the suspects decided to release her and pushed her out of the stopped vehicle. She then went for help.
As this complex investigation unfolded, police were able to arrest one involved individual at a Brock Street residence, where the involved vehicle was also located and seized. As a result, A 30 year old of Petrolia, has been held for bail on the following charges:
- Kidnapping
- Break and Enter
Members of the Criminal Investigations Division are continuing to investigate this matter and further arrests and charges are expected. SPS believe that this was a targeted incident as the involved parties appear to be affiliated with each other in some form.
Anyone with information involving this investigation is asked to contact the Sarnia Police Service Criminal Investigations Division or Crime Stoppers at 1-800-222 TIPS (8477) or visit them online at Crime Stoppers does not subscribe to call display and you will remain anonymous. If your information leads to an arrest or charges being laid, you may receive a cash reward.